Adult Teen Challenge of BC Community office Cranbrook, BC 

Register at - or Call Pastor Ron at 250 - 426 - 9730. Hope within reach, recovery and healing is possible. 

We have the following support groups meeting at our church every week – Al-Anon Tuesday at 12:00 - 1:00 pm, Then Tuesday night AA Group 6:30- 8:30pm. Wednesday AA group 11:30 - 1:00 pm, Then Wednesday night Al - Anon at 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Thursday night group is Mom Stop the Harm at 7 - 9:00 pm. and every 3rd Thursday of each month Friends of Compassion at 7:00 pm.

WOMEN'S MINISTRY:  Tuesday Bible Study  at 10:00 am and 6:30 pm 

KINGS MEN: We meet every Thursday night for Bible Study at 6:30 pm.  

Crossroads Counselling Service - Do you struggle life-controlling issues. Please call the church at 205-489-5411 for more information.

Adult Teen Challenge of BC: Are you struggling with an addictive lifestyleWe are the community outreach to provide support and programs. Please call the church at 205-489-5411 for more information. 

Prayer Gathering:  Please join us every Sunday night from 7:00 to 8:00 pm for a time of prayer and intercession for our church, province, nation and world.

We have a very affordable Bible Institute online for anyone who desires to grow in the Wisdom that God has by studying His word. Also if you are new in your faith this will help you get connected with deep roots in Jesus. Call Pastor Dr. Ron Short – 250-489-5411 or email

 Sexual Integrity 101- An 8 week study for Men, Women and churches - We all desire sexual integrity, whether it's for ourselves or others. But we struggle with knowing where to start. At Pure Desire, we know how hopeless this can feel and that's why we've created the Sexual Integrity 101 video course!

This video training is for men, women, students, pastors, lay leaders, parents, and more. It's for anyone who wants to find freedom from the effects of unwanted sexual behaviors and betrayal. This course will show how shame and grace affect the healing process, give understanding about addiction and betrayal trauma, and get you started on the path to sexual health. 

Group Details - The Dwelling Place Church: 2324 - 2street South - Mondays: May 6th - June 24th: 6:30 pm 

For more information Call: 250 - 489 - 5411.

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